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  • Information relating to Australian fisheries closures imposed by AFMA (Australian Fisheries Management Authority) and gazetted through ComLaw have been collated and tabulated with mapable GIS references in an ORACLE data base. This database allows searching, viewing and GIS mapping of the Australian spatial fisheries management through time. Mapping views of fisheries closures can be created for time, fisheries and gear types. Changes in spatial management through time will be mapable using a time-series of mapping views. The data is currently complete for the time-period of 2005 to Feb 2013. It is intended to continue this records as new gazettes are released as part of annual stock assessment updates. Non-fisheries closures (MPA, CMR) are also intended to be included but this is dependent on continued funding and demand for their use. Disclaimer: These data have been collated and made accessible for scientific research only, they may not be complete or representing the most up-to-date data. For the most recent spatial management arrangements for legal and commercial purposes, refer to the relevant current ComLaw documents or contact AFMA.